This week we are beginning a unit on "Friends".  In Sand and Water, we are washing dishes.  In art, we are making bowl drums and pizza paintings.  In blocks, children are using family figures, a dollhouse, and families in a neighborhood.  We have rotated our puzzles and children are also counting objects and stringing beads in manipulatives.  In dramatic play, children are washing dishes and inviting friends over to play.  In the writing center, we'll write on handmade stationery.  During Story Time, we'll read The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) and A Letter to Amy. 

Our Songs, Word Play and Letters includes the songs "If You're Happy", "Eentsy Weentsy Spider", "Five Green and Speckled Frogs", "Five Little Ducks", "Down By the Bay", "Come Join in to the Game", "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes", "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", "The Wheels on the Bus", and "Open, Shut Them".  Our poems are "Five Juicy Apples", Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling", "Ten Little Fingers", and "Five Little Owls in an Old Elm Tree".  Our literacy skills include If Your Name Starts With (name a letter), Raise Your Hand, Chiming in with Rhyming Words, Those Words Begin with the Same Sound, Let's Clap Our Names, and Guess What Word I'm Saying.
'Our predictable book is HUSH!

Our Science Small Group is Exploring Pizza Dough and our Writing Small Group is Friendship Pictures.  Later in the week a Math Small Group will be counting How Many Dinosaurs.  In the Language and Print Manipulatives Small Group the children will have Simple Puzzles of Fruits and Vegetables, Alphabet Letter Tiles, and Storybook Word Cards.  Games will be Uppercase Alphabet Memory and Children's Names Memory.

Our Nursery Rhymes are Baa, Baa Black Sheep, Hiclory Dickory Dock, Jack and Jill, Little Boy Blue, Little Tommy Tucker, Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, and review of previous rhymes.